Empower Your Event with Eventscribe’s Submission & Review Features

From abstract management to awards recognition and scholarship application review, Eventscribe's comprehensive features are designed to streamline the submission & review process.

Elevate Your Call for Presentations and Recognize Excellence with Ease

Abstract Management

Simplify the abstract submission process and streamline content collection.

Flexible Submission Process

Provide authors with an intuitive platform to submit abstracts, supporting various file formats and allowing for easy revisions and updates.

Review Management

Assign reviewers, manage review assignments, and track reviewer feedback efficiently, ensuring a thorough and fair evaluation process.

Notification System

Keep authors informed throughout the submission and review process with automated notifications for submission deadlines, acceptance notifications, and status updates.

Reporting & Analytics

Leverage reporting and analytics to keep track of your abstracts and stay on target.

Awards Management

Effortlessly manage your awards and recognition programs.

Customized Award Categories

Define and manage award categories based on event themes, criteria, and objectives, ensuring alignment with your organization's goals.

Judge Criteria and Scoring

Establish transparent judging criteria and scoring systems, facilitating fair and consistent evaluation of award submissions.

Winner Notification

Notify award winners promptly and celebrate their achievements publicly, enhancing recognition and engagement among participants.

Scholarship Application Review

Streamline the scholarship application process and support aspiring professionals.

Streamlined Application Workflow

Provide applicants with a user-friendly platform to submit scholarship applications, guiding them through the process step-by-step.

Committee Review Management

Facilitate committee review by assigning applications to reviewers, tracking review progress, and consolidating feedback for final decision-making.

Transparent Selection Process

Maintain transparency and integrity in the selection process by providing applicants with updates on application status and selection outcomes.

Ready to take your submissions & review process to the next level?

Get in touch with our experts to learn how Eventscribe can help you reach your goals.

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