Enhance your Regularly Scheduled Series (RSS) with EthosCE

Easily assign roles to your series, simplify its management, and leverage workflow dashboards for improvement, and more with EthosCE.

Reduce Administrative Burden & Drive Efficiencies with your RSS or Grand Rounds.

Assign Roles

Series Admin

Centralize the creation of RSS Series and the assignment of department coordinators or session liaison roles.

Group Administrators

Assign group administrator roles to specific coordinators or department liaisons to decentralize RSS management.

SMS Attendance for RSS Sessions

Simplify attendance tracking and credit awarding by enabling learners to text attendance codes.

Simplify RSS Management

ACCME Compliant

Ensure your RSS is ACCME compliant and make it easy to report your activities with EthosCE.

Bulk Create Sessions

Create multiple sessions that repeat weekly, monthly or at other pre-specified schedules.

Add Workflow Dashboards

Global and Series Level RSS Dashboards

Streamline RSS accreditation compliance by providing global and series level RSS Dashboards.

Multiple Filters

Group and Series admins can leverage the following filters within their dashboards such as state, session title, date range, published.

Control Views

Group Administrators will only be able to view the RSS series they have been assigned to manage, so you can keep control over what is seen.

Easily Maintain Your Series

Session Calendar

Display a specialized session calendar and enable your users to add a specific RSS session to its own web-based calendar (such as Outlook or Google) for easy viewing.

RSS Report

Gain access to a downloadable report that provides a list of participants in the series for enhanced accuracy.

RSS Workflow

Leverage RSS Session Workflow to decentralize RSS operations while still meeting RSS accreditation requirements.

Ready to enhance your Regularly Scheduled Series with EthosCE?

Get in touch with our experts to learn how EthosCE can help you reach your continuing education goals.

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