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Leveraging Software for Event Registration


The pieces are in place: your organization has committed to hosting a large-scale event to advance the company's goals. Despite the development of cutting-edge digital marketing capabilities, meeting face-to-face with constituents is still the most effective marketing tool. As events scale up in size, the pressure grows to become more efficient, which in part means finding a modern software application to help manage the many tasks involved in hosting a sizable event.

One of the most challenging of all the tasks: registration. Your event won't go anywhere without people and their willingness to attend. You need exhibitors, speakers, and people who are hungry to learn from the scope of your event.

Registration was hard enough in the pre-digital age: it was messy, confusing, and labor intensive. It also required someone with tried-and-true organizational skills and a large team of professionals to pull it off.

Today, event managers have a force multiplier in the form of emerging software tools that make everything easier and more streamlined. The opportunities for using software for event registration to create better attendee experiences stretch from customized registration screens and automated communications to speaker and abstract management.

Put the proper application to use on your behalf, and you will see costs decline and efficiency and loyalty increase.

Improve the Attendee Experience

Successful digital registration experiences depend on reducing the amount of friction for users. The more steps between your user and a confirmed reservation, the greater the chance of them abandoning out of frustration.

Event registration software simplifies the registration process, as it enables you to create online registration forms that ask for only the most necessary information. Once the attendee hits submit, the software does the rest, along with sending confirmations and other logistical details to attendees, so they can be confident that their information has been registered.

Good event registration software recognizes that every event has different dynamics. You can use it to design a process and workflow that best fits your event, the audience that you are trying to attract, and the size and capabilities of your staff.

Cadmium' software for event registration enables you to do all that while extending the capabilities far beyond the desktop. For instance, you can offer mobile registration, which is another way to simplify and improve the attendee experience.

After registration, the same software can be programmed to automate communications with attendees, sending information about the agenda, on-site registration requirements, and other updates. You can send them just in time too‚ ahead of when they might start wondering and decide to call or email to ask.

Manage Other Event Touchpoints

Software for event registration helps streamline the experience for other stakeholders at your event. For instance, the Cadmium platform includes capabilities for abstract management. Rather than trying to manage the overwhelming level of submissions that you face each year in a manual, legacy manner, you will be able to keep abstracts organized through spreadsheets. These capabilities also include side-by-side reviews and links to email alerts so presenters know their submission status.

Similarly, you can use the application to facilitate speaker management. Cadmium enables you to digitize the collection and management of content, create and adjust schedules, and coordinate session recording.

Using Cadmium's software platform, you can simplify booth and sponsorship sales, making it easy for exhibitors to know where the process stands and to communicate essential information such as load-in and load-out directions. You can centralize efforts to recruit and schedule session speakers too. Leveraging software for event registration can be a significant way to grow the sophistication of your event.

Create a Culture of Continuous Improvement

A solution like Cadmium's event management software can benefit attendees with its data analysis and interpretation tools. For instance, it can track attendees and build long-term relationships with them. You can also gather information like contact details, preferences, and history and follow up with requests to fill out surveys.

The platform can give your team a common operational picture to inform decisions. Knowing what is happening within the registration and across the event space will help you emphasize efficiency. For example, you can see ongoing updates on how many people have registered, how many are still to register, ticket sales to special events, and other demographic information to make improvements.

The data produced by the Cadmium system assists in digital marketing, with the ability to create targeted emails and load them for mailing to the proper customer lead. Tracking results is crucial in continuous improvement, so the system also has tools for tracking ROI.

The more you know about the success of your efforts, the more you can improve future registration processes to make them even easier to navigate.

At Cadmium, we help event organizers streamline their registration with the right software to automate the process and gather insights from their registered attendees. To see how you can use the event management software, schedule a demo, and check out Cadmium's platform to help you prepare for your next event.