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Enhancing Your Event with an Online Event Management Solution


As every event planner knows, a great deal of work goes into planning a successful event. From marketing to website design, keeping track of all the moving parts during an event's lifecycle is no easy feat.

An online event management solution makes this process easier by streamlining the planning process and providing a central hub for organizing everything, eliminating the need to use multiple services and software to manage various parts of an event.

This type of solution automates mundane tasks and reduces errors while ensuring that events move forward without a hitch. It also improves attendee engagement and enables you to stay in touch with them before, during, and after your event.

Read on to learn about how online event management solutions can enhance your next event.

Streamline the Event Registration Process

Attendees will form their first impressions of your event based on the registration process, so you should make sure it's good. An online event management solution makes it easy for participants to register for your event.

They can sign up twenty-four hours a day, whenever is most convenient for them, and this also saves them time because there's no need for paper forms that they must return via email or regular mail. Whether they use their laptop or smart device, they can complete their registration online and receive immediate confirmation that they completed the process successfully.

Event management software enables you to keep attendees in the loop by sending out automated updates with event-related information and reminders in the days and months leading up to the event, which could decrease the number of no-shows at your event.

It also enables you to create customized registration experiences that represent your brand, track registrations in real time, and quickly access information about registered attendees.

Build a Customizable Event Website to Represent Your Brand

From registering for your event to checking speakers' bios, participants will return to your website repeatedly for information about your event. An online event management solution gives you the tools to ensure that you make a strong positive impression on attendees. It will also enable you to customize your website to fit your brand while incorporating schedules, e-posters, live-streaming, and networking features to ensure that your attendees have the best experience possible.

When you use an event planning solution that includes a website builder, you can save yourself a significant amount of time. You won't have to worry about building a website from scratch or hiring a third party to do it for you. Instead, you can access all the tools necessary to create an attractively branded website from within the event management solution.

Increase Engagement at Every Stage of Your Event

The most successful events have a high level of attendee engagement, building excitement among participants at every stage. The right online event management solution simplifies connecting with your guests, as you will have the tools to keep them informed and build excitement about your event through targeted marketing.

Your event website and app can both be used to reach your audience and keep them engaged. Through your site, attendees can create profiles and be matched with exhibitors to connect with like-minded peers. Take engagement further by creating an online community with discussion boards, where attendees can connect, share information, and exchange knowledge.

Once your event is underway, you can use your software's audience response system to allow attendees to submit questions, respond to polls, and connect with others.

After the event, use your event management solution to track and analyze attendee engagement to tailor post-event outreach and identify areas where you can improve.

Use the Mobile App to Make It Easy to Connect with Attendees

The average person spends over four hours per day using mobile apps, so it makes sense to use this technology to your advantage to connect with attendees. After all, chances are that they will check their phones throughout the day during the event.

Just like you have to juggle many things when planning and executing an event, your attendees do too, including the schedules, agendas, and locations of different sessions.

Your event mobile app simplifies all these tasks for your attendees, as they can quickly access the information that they need from their mobile devices. They can also use the event app to take notes during sessions, access floor plans, complete surveys and evaluations, and network with other attendees and exhibitors.

Event planners can use the app for marketing, connecting with and keeping track of attendees, gathering audience responses, and tracking objectives.

Final Thoughts

An online event management system enables you to manage all aspects of your event from a central hub, streamlining the planning process and consolidating all your tasks.

From saving you time and money to increasing engagement and facilitating communication with attendees, event management solutions can help ensure that your event runs smoothly from beginning to end.

Here at Cadmium, we make it easy for event organizers to deliver seamless, memorable event experiences to attendees and manage speakers, exhibitors, and all their associated assets. To see how we can help you simplify your event organization, reach out to our expert team today!