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Enhance Your Meeting Posters with Eventscribe's ePoster Gallery


For the past two years, the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (AAPD) has worked with Cadmium to create an online meeting poster gallery for their attendees to use post-conference. This year, they decided to take the process one step further by converting their traditional poster boards into an electronic gallery.

The resulting collaboration between AV Networks and Cadmium were 17 different stations, powered by iPad kiosks, that allowed both poster presenters and attendees to quickly search, find and display the poster of interest.

How the ePoster Gallery Works

One of the most amazing things about the ePoster Gallery is that conference attendees can draw, highlight, and take notes directly on each poster.

This is truly a unique product that can be used on-site, accessed before the conference, and distributed to attendees after the conference for educational purposes. It can be integrated directly with your organization’s meeting agenda AND your mobile event app.

If you plan to record your poster presenters as they highlight key information on their posters, that audio can be uploaded into the ePoster Gallery as well. Your attendees can view the posters and listen to the presenter explain his or her findings from the comfort of their home or office.

The posters are very high quality, sync with attendees’ agendas, and are fully searchable. Nobody does ePoster galleries better. This is a top-notch, quality product you’ll wonder how you ever did without.

How Will You 'Wow' Your Attendees?

AAPD proved that the ePoster Gallery is not only a great tool for the post-conference meeting poster experience. They cut down on paper and made their presenters’ posters more interesting by going totally digital!

This is only one way the ePoster Gallery can be used to make meeting posters fresh, exciting, and interesting to attendees. Attendees love the crispness of the posters on their iPad displays and they love engaging with the audio and note-taking capabilities of the ePoster Gallery. This type of innovation is essential for meeting education and really boosts attendee respect for organizations like AAPD.

Keep Your Attendees Engaged Through Eventscribe's ePoster Gallery

At Cadmium, we understand the challenges of keeping your attendees fully engaged and finding ways to connect with them. What are some ways you're leveraging event content and keeping your attendee's attention?

To learn how Eventscribe's ePoster Gallery can enhance your attendee's experience schedule a 1-on-1 demo with one of our specialists today!